marți, 12 octombrie 2010

As I sit and ponder...

yet again about the meaning of life. Or for the least, the meaning of my life.

Is this a cruel joke? I mean, I'm over 14,you know; God. Or Universe.
I prefer God, because I can cuss Him. I can't cuss the Universe,
that'd be just silly. So yea. Why do I spend my nights gazing at the
effin stars(metaphorically speaking), wondering where life is going
towards. I mean, I'm not smart enough to begin grasping the idea that
we..I mean, I am just a natural result of evolution. That I'm just a
big plant with a brain.

I can't even stick myself to a meaning. I know there is no meaning but
for crying out loud, why do I keep trying so much?

Stop reading, this is embarrassing enough.

Ok, I'll carry on.

I want to be happy and I don't want to be happy. When I'm happy, I'm
stupid. And that is great. When I'm not happy, I begin to think again.
Do you know how hard it is to know you are limited, and still struggle
to push yourself beyond those limitations?

I wanna punch someone. Because I'm just a sack o' meat filled with
hormones. Big hormonal meat plant,that's what I am. That should be my

If you're wondering,English is my embarrassement language.

I should be a fucking writer.

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