Is this a cruel joke? I mean, I'm over 14,you know; God. Or Universe.
I prefer God, because I can cuss Him. I can't cuss the Universe,
that'd be just silly. So yea. Why do I spend my nights gazing at the
effin stars(metaphorically speaking), wondering where life is going
towards. I mean, I'm not smart enough to begin grasping the idea that
we..I mean, I am just a natural result of evolution. That I'm just a
big plant with a brain.
I can't even stick myself to a meaning. I know there is no meaning but
for crying out loud, why do I keep trying so much?
Stop reading, this is embarrassing enough.
Ok, I'll carry on.
I want to be happy and I don't want to be happy. When I'm happy, I'm
stupid. And that is great. When I'm not happy, I begin to think again.
Do you know how hard it is to know you are limited, and still struggle
to push yourself beyond those limitations?
I wanna punch someone. Because I'm just a sack o' meat filled with
hormones. Big hormonal meat plant,that's what I am. That should be my
If you're wondering,English is my embarrassement language.
I should be a fucking writer.
Sent from my mobile device
salut, acum am vazut ca ai aparut in lista mea si ma intrebam daca te cunosc in viata reala.
salut, nu, nu ne cunoastem in viata reala. am aparut dintr-o (fericita) intamplare in lista ta si voiam sa-ti arat ca exista oameni pe care ii influentezi(si placut,daca as putea adauga).
RăspundețiȘtergereUite, eu Vineri (21 ian)sunt invitat la un cenaclu literar sa ma fac de cacat cu un text de-al meu. Mi-ar placea sa vii, sa citesti (eventual) si tu, sa ne cunoastem acolo. Dar nu cred ca vei intra pe blog pana atunci sa citesti asta asa ca ma voi rezuma la ceva simplu:
RăspundețiȘtergereNu vrei sa bem o bere?
Of, de mult nu ai mai scris nimic...